Marmak Solutions

 Marmak continues to grow its solution offerings and garner a superb reputation for delivering cost effective municipal solutions.


Enterprise Asset Management


Inventory - Manage entire municipal inventory in one spot for all assets and equipment.

Risk - Evaluate each asset's probability and consequence of failure.

Benchmarking - Customize a standard Level of Service Strategy

Reports - Generate reports to be compliant with provincial regulations.


Facility & Open Space Management


Inventory Management - Collect detailed equipment inventory.

Maintenance Management - Manage inspections, deficiencies and work orders.

Lifecycle Planning - Prioritize asset replacement based on cost, risk and remaining useful life.

Reports & Analytics - Generate reports, evaluate performance, and improve decision making.


 Incident Reporting Management


Standard Forms - Improve collection of required information when an incident occurs.

Attachments - Link inspections, work orders, CCTV footage and other relevant documentation.

Documentation - Store notes, emails, and conversations related to incident reports.

Reports & Analytics - Generate reports to aid risk mitigation practices.


Work Order Management


Create A Case - Generate work orders with detailed documentation.

View Work Orders - Access all work orders and review the status of outstanding requests.

Public Service Request - Receive work order requests from the public.

Reports & Analytics - Analyze operational performance and various trends.


Road Patrol Management


Routine Patrols - Complete required summer and winter patrols.

Monitor Deficiencies - Address and document deficiencies.

Sign Inventory - Collect all relevant sign information.

Work Orders - Once deficiencies have been identified, generate required work orders.


Land Management


Permit Management - Centralize all municipal permit information.

By-Law Management - Document all municipal property standard infractions.

Reports & Forms - Custom built monthly reports.


Cemetery Management


Plot Management - Track and automate cemetery plot data.

Public Search Portal - Easily search and find where loved ones are interred.

Map Integration - Visualize plot location and detailed information.


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